
Scripting How-To: Use the params script to turn simplified interface configuration into diverse configuration

By Erdem posted 08-11-2015 01:42


Turn Simplified Interface Configuration into Diverse Configuration


For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use the params script to turn simplified interface configuration into diverse configuration.



We define an apply-macro for simplified interface configurations.These are expanded into a diverse set of configuration statements.

You can use configuration groups (such as 'interface-details' and 'cos-details' in this example) with commit scripts to retain the details of any configuration expansions in the configuration database, where you can change them more easily.


Source Code and GitHub Links

The source code below is also available from the following GitHub locations:


Example Configuration

01	system {
02	    scripts {
03	    commit {
04	        allow-transients;
05	        file params.xsl;
06	    }
07	    }
08	}
09	interfaces {
10	    so-1/2/3 {
11	        apply-macro params {
12	            clocking internal;
13	            description "Link to Hoverville";
14	            encapsulation ppp;
15	            inet-address;
16	            isis-level-1 enable;
17	            isis-level-1-metric 50;
18	            isis-level-2-metric 85;
19	        }
20	    }
21	}


Example Output

01	system {
02	    scripts {
03	        commit {
04	            allow-transients;
05	            file params.xsl;
06	        }
07	    }
08	    ## Warning: missing mandatory statement(s): 'root-authentication'
09	}
10	interfaces {
11	    so-1/2/3 {
12	        apply-groups interface-details; ## 'interface-details' is not defined
13	        apply-macro params {
14	            clocking internal;
15	            description "Link to Hoverville";
16	            encapsulation ppp;
17	            inet-address;
18	            isis-level-1 enable;
19	            isis-level-1-metric 50;
20	            isis-level-2-metric 85;
21	        }
22	        description "Link to Hoverville";
23	        encapsulation ppp;
24	        unit 0 {
25	            family inet {
26	                address;
27	            }
28	        }
29	    }
30	}
31	protocols {
32	    rsvp {
33	        interface so-1/2/3.0;
34	    }
35	    isis {
36	        interface so-1/2/3.0 {
37	            level 1 {
38	                enable;
39	                metric 50;
40	            }
41	            level 2 metric 85;
42	        }
43	    }
44	    ldp {
45	        interface so-1/2/3.0;
46	    }
47	}
48	class-of-service {
49	    interfaces {
50	        so-1/2/3 {
51	            apply-groups cos-details; ## 'cos-details' is not defined
52	        }
53	    }
54	}


SLAX Script Contents

001	/* Machine Crafted with Care (tm) by slaxWriter */
002	version 1.0;
005	/*
006	- $Id: params.slax,v 1.1 2007/10/17 18:37:03 phil Exp $
007	-
008	- Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Juniper Networks, Inc.
009	- All rights reserved.
010	-
011	 */
012	ns junos = "*/junos";
013	ns xnm = "";
014	ns jcs = "";
016	import "../import/junos.xsl";
018	/*
019	- This example uses an apply-macro to turn simplified interface
020	- configuration into a diverse set of configuration statements.
021	-
022	- Using configuration groups (such as 'interface-details' and
023	- 'cos-details' in this example) with commit scripts can keep the
024	- details of any configuration expansions in the configuration
025	- database, where they can be more easily changed.
026	 */
027	match configuration {
028	    var $top = .;
030	    for-each (interfaces/interface/apply-macro[name == "params"]) {
031	        var $description = data[name == "description"]/value;
032	        var $inet-address = data[name == "inet-address"]/value;
033	        var $encapsulation = data[name == "encapsulation"]/value;
034	        var $clocking = data[name == "clocking"]/value;
035	        var $isis-level-1 = data[name == "isis-level-1"]/value;
036	        var $isis-level-1-metric = data[name == "isis-level-1-metric"]/value;
037	        var $isis-level-2 = data[name == "isis-level-2"]/value;
038	        var $isis-level-2-metric = data[name == "isis-level-2-metric"]/value;
039	        var $ifname = ../name _ ".0";
040	        <transient-change> {
041	            <interfaces> {
042	                <interface> {
043	                    <name> ../name;
044	                    <apply-groups> {
045	                        <name> "interface-details";
046	                    }
047	                    if ($description) {
048	                        <description> $description;
049	                    }
050	                    <encapsulation> {
051	                        if (string-length($encapsulation) > 0) {
052	                            expr $encapsulation;
054	                        } else {
055	                            expr "cisco-hdlc";
056	                        }
057	                    }
058	                    <unit> {
059	                        <name> "0";
060	                        if (string-length($inet-address) > 0) {
061	                            <family> {
062	                                <inet> {
063	                                    <address> $inet-address;
064	                                }
065	                            }
066	                        }
067	                    }
068	                }
069	            }
070	            <protocols> {
071	                <rsvp> {
072	                    <interface> {
073	                        <name> $ifname;
074	                    }
075	                }
076	                <isis> {
077	                    <interface> {
078	                        <name> $ifname;
079	                        if ($isis-level-1 || $isis-level-1-metric) {
080	                            <level> {
081	                                <name> "1";
082	                                if ($isis-level-1) {
083	                                    <xsl:element name = $isis-level-1>;
084	                                }
085	                                if ($isis-level-1-metric) {
086	                                    <metric> $isis-level-1-metric;
087	                                }
088	                            }
089	                        }
090	                        if ($isis-level-2 || $isis-level-2-metric) {
091	                            <level> {
092	                                <name> "2";
093	                                if ($isis-level-2) {
094	                                    <xsl:element name = $isis-level-2>;
095	                                }
096	                                if ($isis-level-2-metric) {
097	                                    <metric> $isis-level-2-metric;
098	                                }
099	                            }
100	                        }
101	                    }
102	                }
103	                <ldp> {
104	                    <interface> {
105	                        <name> $ifname;
106	                    }
107	                }
108	            }
109	            <class-of-service> {
110	                <interfaces> {
111	                    <name> ../name;
112	                    <apply-groups> {
113	                        <name> "cos-details";
114	                    }
115	                }
116	            }
117	        }
118	    }
119	}


XML Script Contents

01	<?xml version="1.0"?>
02	<script version="0.1">
03	  <title>params.slax</title>
04	  <alternate>params.xsl</alternate>
05	  <author>phil</author>
06	  <synopsis>
07	    Turns simplified interface configuration into diverse configuration
08	  </synopsis>
09	  <keyword>apply-macro</keyword>
10	  <keyword>interface</keyword>
11	  <keyword>configuration groups</keyword>
13	  <description>
14	    We define an apply-macro for simplified interface configurations.
15	    These are expanded into a diverse set of configuration statements.
16	  </description>
17	  <implementation>
18	    Using configuration groups (such as 'interface-details' and
19	    'cos-details' in this example) with commit scripts can keep the
20	    details of any configuration expansions in the configuration
21	    database, where they can be more easily changed.
22	  </implementation>
24	  <example>
25	    <config>params.conf</config>
26	    <output>params.output</output>
27	  </example>
28	  <xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""
29	                src="../../../../../web/leaf.js" type="text/javascript"/>
30	</script>
