
Which Web browsers, plug-ins, and operating systems are supported by the Junos Space UI?

By Erdem posted 03-14-2016 15:37



 Which Web browsers, plug-ins, and operating systems are supported by the Junos Space UI?


You access the Junos Space 17.2 UI through a Web browser and there are no dependencies on the operating system.


The Junos Space UI supports the following Web browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox 45 and later
  • Internet Explorer 11
    • The Network Monitoring Topology feature is not supported on Internet Explorer.
    • Before you log in to the Junos Space Platform UI from Internet Explorer, ensure that Adobe Flash Player 10 or later is installed as a plug-in for the browser.
  • Google Chrome 22 and later

For more information, click Junos Space User Interface Guide.